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The reference list

We request the use of the simple e-mail title.

We don't have the opportunity to receive English e-mail generally. Also, most of the spam mails which we receive are English e-mail.
When you use an unnecessarily long sentence for the title,
we may abandon the e-mail because of the understanding lack.

Therefore, when you send English e-mail to us,
it sometimes should be careful.

¥ You had better use a simple expression for e-mail this passage.
( It helps the operation of the translation software. )
¥ You had better use a shortly simple sentence for a e-mail title.
( Ex. About the U-PET paper )
* The U-PET paper
TEL +81 266 52 3490
FAX +81 266 58 0167
E-mail : upet@active-life.co.jp
* Ecology Number Card, the cotton cloth bib and the sticking type lower back bib
TEL +81 266 52 3490
FAX +81 266 58 0167
E-mail : no.card@active-life.co.jp
The e-mail : jpa-z@active-life.co.jp (The Japanese land ream and in body ream reception)
* The eco PET business card and eco PET plate
TEL +81 266 58 8113
FAX +81 266 58 0167
The e-mail : card@active-life.co.jp (The eco PET business card reception)
The e-mail : nameplate@active-life.co.jp (The eco PET plate reception)
* The super cross seat and the simple marking sheet
TEL +81 266 52 1583
FAX +81 266 52 1627
E-mail : sheet@active-life.co.jp
* The marathon place judgment system marathon congress secretariat support service
TEL +81 266 52 3490
FAX +81 266 58 0167
E-mail : marathon@active-life.co.jp
* The event goods
TEL +81 266 52 3490
FAX +81 266 58 0167
E-mail : novelty@active-life.co.jp
* It asks about Web Contents (The contact addresses such as link's being broken).
E-mail : webmaster@active-life.co.jp

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